Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Heart all a flutter

Yesterday I received a package in the mail, all the way from Sweden.  Yep!  I sure did!  How do you like that?  Oh ho!  Not just any package either mind you.  It was from Jogge Sundqvist!  Now what in the world would Jogge Sundqvist be sending me?  A heart!  Yep, a simple wonderful beautiful heart, carved from wood, and painted a golden yellow color.

Now you might be looking at this picture and wondering why I'm so excited.  This simple wood carving has inspired me.  It is so perfect in its imperfectness.  It hasn't been sanded down to a smooth finish, you can clearly see each knife mark that made it.  It hasn't been stamped out with a huge machine.  It hasn't been mass produced.  It is unique, it is beautiful, and I love it.

So what's my point?  I don't have one.  I just wanted to share this wonderful little gem with you.  It has inspired me to get back out in the shop after a long hiatus.  It has rekindled some of my excitement about a few projects that I have put on the back burner.  For example, I spent an hour out there tonight, making my own heart.

I've got a spoon in the works as well.  More on that later.  It has been storming tonight, a winter thunderstorm.  I'm not sure we need the rain, but this rain will bring down a lot of the leaves.  It looks like it is raking time this weekend, if it dries out I guess.  Those huge Oaks in my backyard drop an amazing number of leaves for me to deal with.

I grabbed my camera last Saturday at a football game and got a picture of some of the local fall color.  It has been a beautiful fall this year. 

Happy Carving!

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